Owner, Maker
I am a husband, father and maker. When I am not spending time with my wife and three children in southern Chester County, Pennsylvania, I am working with my hands making things. Woodworking became my passion in high school, and I added metal and leather working to my repertoire within the last ten years. Now that I am in my 50s and my children are young adults with their own passions and interests, I have more time to devote to my passion of making things.
At the same time, I enjoy sharing what I have learned through years of practice and experience. As a former science teacher in the public school system, as well as a representative in the medical industry, it was my job to educate students or clients on various subjects and products. My enthusiasm to teach others has carried over to wood, metal and leather working as well. I have also learned that the maker world is very welcoming, and great things are being made from people with different skill sets, backgrounds and resources. There is so much to see, learn and make. Make something.